Omg! Sometimes I want to just walk out!

Ok now first things first I’m so annoyed with these men that come into our lives claiming ‘that being a dad is all they want in life’ and then ‘POOF’ that man is gone! I mean he literally runs for the hills when the baby arrives and you are stuck doing it ALL ON YOUR OWN!

Honestly, I think there should be a law against men that believe it is ok to just walk out on their kids! They should have to stand trial in a courtroom with a ton of single moms as the jury and let us decide how much he should have to pay or whether or not he should just go to jail. Yes I said it JAIL!

As women when we have children and we don’t get to opt out of taking care of them. And let’s be honest, sometimes we would love to just say “I QUIT!” but we can’t because we know deep down we love them too much. But if I’m honest ladies I have definitely walked out of the room with my baby crying in a crib one or twice because I was getting ready to just cry myself, thinking ‘What do you want from me? I’ve changed you, I’ve burped you, I’ve sang you that song you like, I’ve fed you and you have taken a proper nap.’

Meanwhile, while you are experiencing this. There is no one you can call in the house for help because their father left before the parenting actions even began or left because it was too tough for him! God bless those, moms, aunts and grandmothers that help out but that child is ultimately only your responsibility and let me say it’s damn hard sometimes.

I laugh some moments and cry the next. And its not because I’m going through any type of postpartum. It’s just simply because I become overwhelmed with a job that is suppose to be for two darn people!

Am I the only one?


A Single Mom

Author: TheCuteQueen

Just a woman who has lots of thoughts and feelings she felt it was time to express! Plenty of thought provoking posts, help tips for the little ones and mommy chat to come! Signed, A Single Mom

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