5 things you can do to help produce breastmilk!

So I’m back with another set of tips for my breastfeeding mothers and moms to be!

Today I will be listing the 5 things I do to help me produce breastmilk.

Now, I have been told to do soooo many things. Things like “Oh just take fenugreek tablets.”, that left me constipated, regardless of how much water I would drink. Someone else said “Don’t eat anything that will give people gas.”, so you want me to not eat anything green ever? Then the craziest of all “Pump your breast until the milk comes out. No matter what. Your nipples may crack at some point but just apply nipple cream and pump some more.”

Now first things first, I’m not saying not to pump but if no milk is coming out at all it is my honest opinion that you should never just sit on a machine until your nipple split open, that is absurd! So here are my 5 tips on things you can do to produce more breastmilk.

1. Hand Express first, then pump.

I know some of you are looking at me like “What? You just said…” but wait, hear me out. I tried pumping when my breast were not producing any milk or not that much and it was very uncomfortable and I hated it to the point of stopping all together. Once, I found a system that worked I stuck with it and I was able to pump more frequently.

So, in the beginning and even after you have gotten the hang of breastfeeding, you can do this as a way to pump successfully. Try to hand express your breast before you apply the breast pump, that way your breast are already in a state of producing the milk. This will make it 100% easier to pump your milk. Make sure you are near your baby as well, it really helps to see your baby because being near your little one helps stimulate the release of your breast milk. I normally pump while my daughter is sleeping so I can just smile and watch her sleep as I breast pump. It’s not easy in the beginning. But follow the link I left to fully understand hand expressing.

1. Part 2. Let your little one eat first, then pump.

So this tip is identical to the first. The only difference is you allowing your baby to fully feed on your breast then pumping them both afterwards.

Your little one is the expert on getting that milk out of you. Even if they are still in the beginning stages of trying to figure out how to latch properly, they still are the experts because our bodies are designed for their nourishment, not a machine. Just saying.

But rest assure if you have a little one that is often times away from you or in a incubator, the first option is the best for you.

2. Eat the right things!

Now, I discussed this a lot in one of my recent blog post called the Top 5 foods I know will help produce breastmilk But the food we put in our bodies is also a BIG part of insuring we are providing our baby with the best and yummiest milk possible.

So no ladies… that comfort food should not be your go to, all the time, because it does help the supply of your breastmilk nor your baby’s health or tum tum.

3. Relax.

Sounds so simple, right? But often times I found that in the beginning I could not clear my mind and only focus on my baby girl before I breastfed. I was thinking about a hundred and one things before I began and stress can also effect your milk supply. It signals to the body something is wrong so it will keep some or all of your milk because your body knows your baby needs it.

4. Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate!

For those of you who do not like to drink water, let me let you in on a secret. “Drinking tons of water does not stop when the pregnancy is over. ” I actually drink the same amount of water I did when I was pregnant just to assure myself I was hydrated enough for myself and to breastfed. The recommended amount of water intake is 80 ounces a day, while you are pregnant. I personally, am drinking 120 ounces to supplement for breastfeeding. But that is my choice I honestly think you have to do what you are comfortable with. Be sure to ask your doctor what your sufficient water intake should be. (Note: Do not follow the guidelines my doctor and I, have set for me, for water intake. Lots of things contribute to how much water is a healthy amount, weight for example is one of them.)

Breastfeeding pulls fluids out of your body. So without hydration those fluids can be lost. Not to mention after a day or two of being dehydrated your milk does not even carry all the nutrients it’s suppose to. Your body starts to make what I call “half the power” breastmilk because your body is now is survival mode.

So keep that milk strong by drinking water. If you hate the tasteless taste of water. Try dropping a little bit of juice in it to give it a little flavor. (Note: I did not say half water, half juice. Your water intake is very important.)

5. Support!

You don’t know it yet or maybe you do. But there are so many lactation consultants your can speak with in your county for free. If you have a WIC (Women, Infant and Children) program attached to your community, which you probably do, they have plenty of information and people you can talk to about breastmilk and breastfeeding. They also have connections to groups or forums in your area of women who are going through the same things you are. From trouble breastfeeding to postpartum depression. So reach out and get the help you need. Look at this WIC Contact List , find your state’s information and get the help you need. They can also help with food and in some cases diapers and formula. It’s a great resource of support that has helped me, especially after my daughter’s father left.

Hopefully this was not too long of a post. I hope you all found it extremely informative. And please if you know someone who maybe needs these tips please share this post. Please make sure to also like and comment so I know you all enjoy post like this.

Until next time.


A Single Mom

Top 5 foods that I know help produce breastmilk!

So ladies I’ve been doing a lot of research on the topic of breastfeeding. And when I mean a lot of research, I mean ALOT.

I was constantly in search of foods that would help me produce a heavier milk supply because when my daughter was first born it was incredibly hard for me to produce milk. I’m talking, a few teaspoons from both breast.

While in the hospital, I was advised by the nurses and doctors to supplement with formula and it broke my heart. I cried for days, not understanding what was wrong with me. I truly felt like a bad mom and it was only the beginning.

After about the first week of my daughter being born, I decided something had to be done. Suddenly, I remembered how I felt while I was pregnant. “Everything I need to successfully get through this pregnancy and keep my baby healthy I can get naturally from food.” And I decided the same had to be true for producing breastmilk.

So after trying almost 30 different types of food for producing breastmilk, I found 5 that do the job!

(Note: All or some of these may not work for you due to food allergens.)

1. Oatmeal.

Now, not only is oatmeal fully customizable but it’s also an amazing source of iron. Low iron levels have been linked to low milk supply for decades. Oatmeal is also full of a number of other nutrients and vitamins like protein, fiber, vitamin A, calcium, vitamin B-6 and magnesium. All of which can help produce breastmilk and give your little one plenty of nutrients and vitamins that help produce exceptional brain development and overall great health.

2. Grits.

Ok, so grits are also a breakfast/ brunch fave that are completely customizable. I love mine with salmon cakes or cheese. But be careful with your amount of cheese because dairy is a big food allergen and has been said to produce gas in your little one. Grits also have an amazing source of iron and other nutrients like protein, magnesium, vitamin b-6 and vitamin A. But if I’m honest oatmeal is steal my go to because grits doesn’t even have half of the nutrients that oatmeal has.

3. Almonds.

Almonds are an amazing source of folic acid, calcium, potassium and Omega -3s. Folic acid is great for you and your baby’s brain development. Omega-3s also help produce the lactation hormones that push your body to produce milk. Almonds are great in salads, oatmeal and even as a snack so grab some and enjoy!

4. Spinach.

Cooked or raw spinach is incredible and contains folic acid, potassium and Calcium. But they also contain amazing detoxifying agents that help you go poo. They also contain plant chemicals that help prevent breast cancer. So they are good for producing breastmilk and good for your breast too. But, be sure not to over indulge on the spinach because spinach can also cause blood clots and diarrhea in your little one. So remember, everything in moderation ladies.


Like almonds, Salmon contains that amazing omega-3 component that boost your lactation hormones. It also contains essential fatty acids that combined with omega-3s makes your milk the cream of the crop ( super nutritious for your baby).

So these are my top 5 suggestions of foods that I find help me produce nutritious, baby powerful, yummy breastmilk!

Hope this helped!

Have any suggestions? Leave them in the comment section below and let’s help each other.


A Single Mother