Avoiding Postpartum: You can and you will!

Now for those of you looking for a outstanding article about self worth or sex advice. This is not that so I will see you next time! This article is about the amazing, ground breaking women that have just become new moms!

Often times women naturally go through a series of hormonal changes during their lifetime and one of the biggest is after pregnancy, better known as, postpartum. So postpartum depression is just like what it sounds like, depression after pregnancy.

During this time a ton of things happen. A woman’s body is forever changed, there may be pain vaginally or abdominally depending on how you gave birth, you may be a single parent, your husband/ boyfriend may have become overwhelmed and left or maybe becoming a mother is way more responsibility than you were ready for. Either way it’s here and I’m going to help you to avoid depression at all cost with 3 simple steps!

1) Regardless of support financially, spousal or otherwise, you are the only one responsible for your child.

This was something I had to grow to understand. At first, I thought it truly takes a village to raise a child because this is what I’ve always been told but I had to understand very quickly that is up to me to protect, care for and raise my daughter with love, morals and values. Not to say her father will not do the same but as a mom regardless of what your child is tied to you and under you all the time. They are constantly paying attention to you and feel your energy. If you are not ok, nine times out of ten you will see they will not be ok (crying, fussy or otherwise).

2) You got this! It’s not always easy but it’s going to be eventually.

Every baby is different, just like every person is different. They come with their own personalities and characteristics. Some will be easier to deal with than others but do not focus on that! Be the best mom you can be to your child individually. Days will be long but you got this!

A few small tips are:

*Sleep when they sleep!

*Sit the baby up when they are pooping. So it stay it does not get everywhere.

*Keep Clorox wipes to disinfect surfaces.

*Talk to your baby. (No baby babble!)It helps them develop faster.

3) Take time for yourself.

Once the baby is fast asleep. Grab your favorite snack and turn on your favorite TV show. Grab your lover and get you some girl. Just do not make it ALL about your baby and forget about yourself. You deserve love, attention and laughter as well.

I truly hope this helps and that you do not allow the overwhelming feelings from postpartum hormones get the best of you. You got this! You are the most extraordinary mother anyone knows. No one gets it right the first time. From breastfeeding to changing diapers practice makes perfect!


A Single Mom