Who’s Gorge? You are!

Do you ever feel like you aren’t as attractive as you were before you had your little one? Or maybe you layer your clothes to hide that new baby belly you acquired. Well I’m here to tell you, you are GORGE!

Short for GORGEOUS and that you are! Don’t let any amount of extra weight, stress, jeans not fitting the way they used to, get you down! You’re a beautiful woman with a lot to offer, your family, your little one and one day a handsome significant other.

So do me a favor. Get in front of the mirror, strip down to your birthday suit and look at every flaw. Then, say something positive about each one. I’ll go first:

I hate my new belly. “I look good!”

I hate my thighs. “Thick thighs sweeter prize.”

Get it? Try it! I promise you it helps and when all else fails. Put on your favorite song and dance your behind off until you burst into laughter!

Ladies you’re GORGE! Don’t forget it!


A Single Mom